Crina Iliescu

Chinese Metaphysics international life and business consultant


I help you to find the answers to the "unanswered" questions, to make advantageous decisions at the best moments, to find and maintain your life-work balance


Feng Shui, BaZi, QiMen, Ze Ri, Mian Xiang Expert

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Servicii Bazi


BaZi, 8 (Ba八) Characters (Zi字 ), pronounced Bhat Ji or Baa Z means eight characters. Known as well as “the four pillars of destiny” it is an art developed during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) for the analysis of the destiny of a person.

Servicii Fengshui

Feng Shui

Feng Shui, initially known under the name of Kan Yu, is about living in harmony with nature. If we live in harmony, we are able to harness the positive energies, also known as Qi, to improve our lives at all levels and in all areas.

Servicii QiMen

QiMen Dun Jia

QiMen Dun Jia or Be at the right place at the right time doing the right thing!
Word-by-word translation:

The right time
The right place
The right direction

Servicii Magazin


Discover customized products in the online shop.

  • Feng Shui diaries
  • Feng Shui Calendars
  • Personalised calendars by zodiac sign
Serviciii Coaching


Business and personal life are yin and yang, meaning somehow you can’t have one without the other. They are interconnected and interdependent. So is our life. No one can be successful on only one plane without another.


Servicii Harta Natala

Birth Chart

A BaZi birth chart is like your own DNA, depending on your birth date, we can see your strengths and weaknesses, what needs to be done, and when it would be best to do it. You can find out when you need help or when you have untapped possibilities for success.



What recommends me


I’ve known Crina for many years, as a colleague and as a friend. I could say a lot about her, but I’d rather refrain myself and let you get to know her; Crina is a warm, open, pragmatic person, but she is more than that. Her utmost quality in my eyes is that she does everything in her power to help others because she blossoms when she sees the people around her improve their lives and are happier. One of Crina’s tools is the Chinese stuff, a mishmash of Feng Shui, QiMen Dun Jia (yes, it’s a mouthful), and many others just as “easy” to pronounce. I have to admit that I was skeptical at first because I rely a lot on logic, but then I said to myself I should give it a try and so I attended her classes. I’m telling you, this Chinese stuff is not easy to grasp, but with Crina as my guru by my side, I had nothing to lose if I start applying the knowledge. And it worked! There were times when it didn’t, but I wonder why? Could it be that, due to my skepticism, I failed to follow all the steps and pieces of advice from Crina? I could write pages about this but, folks, set aside your reluctance and distrust for a bit and check what Crina has to offer. It is mega interesting, and, as someone attending her classes said: “If I manage to improve 1% of my life, I’ve not done this in vain”
Cea mai mare calitate a ei dupa parerea mea este ca face tot posibilul pentru a ajuta, pentru ca ea infloreste atunci cand vede ca oamenii din jur sunt mai bine, mai fericiti.
O unealta a Crinei cu care face minuni, sunt chinezismele, o imbarligatura de Feng Shui, QiMenDunJia (da, se imbarliga limba in gura :)) si altele care sunt la fel de „usor”de pronuntat. Recunosc ca la inceput am fost putin sceptica, poate putin mai mult, eu fiind genul de om care are nevoie de logica, de ceva concret, de ceva rezultate palpabil si rapid….dar am zis hai sa vedem, si asa am inceput sa merg la cursurile si semnariile Crinei, organizate la Cluj. Oameni buni, nu e simplu :)))) dar, avand-o pe Crina ca si Guru mi-am zis ca nu am nimic de pierdut daca aplic cunostintele – si surpriza, chiar a functionat!!!. Au fost si momente in care nu a functionat, de ce oare?! pentru ca scepticismul meu inca existent, nu a urmat chiar toti pasii si sfaturile Crinei.
As putea scrie pagini dar trebuie sa ma opresc – oameni buni, lasati rezervele/neincrederea deoparte macar un pic, si vedeti despre ce este vorba este mega interesant si cum zicea cineva de la cursuri „Daca va fii mai bine macar cu 1%, tot mai bine este decat nimic”.
Spor la invatat!


With Crina’s help, I was able to sell my home in less than a week. I contacted only one real estate agency, they took a few pictures on a Monday. By Friday, I was already contacted by 2 possible buyers. We sign the pre-contract the next Tuesday. Do I need to tell you that I was able to get the exact some that I wanted? Right on it or just pure coincidence, it worked. I am happy and relieved on the other hand, because the real estate market here in Cluj is not what you would expect. Thank you Crina for all your help.
Ii mulțumesc Crinei pentru tot ajutorul si recomandarile ei si in special pentru ajutorul cu casa sa se vanda atat de repede!

Mariana Popa

From my point of view, Crina Iliescu represents the mentor of the future with respect to shortening the journey to success. Her competencies in the Chinese metaphysical arts help us to understand who we are, and what our strengths and talents are and she teaches us what to do to become the best version of ourselves. In a world in which the only constant is change, investing in knowing yourself becomes a behavior that leads to prosperity
Prin competenete pe care le are in artele metafizicii chineze ne ajuta sa intelegem cine suntem, care ne sunt punctele forte, talentele si ne invata ce sa facem astfel incat sa devenim cea mai buna varianta a noastra. Intr-o lume in care singura constanta este schimbarea , investitia in propria cunoastere devine un comportament care duce la prosperitate.

Camelia Zifceac

Amazing…. I moved to our new home and I had ideas of where I wanted our rooms to be located and where the items in the kitchen would be placed. Sometimes, Crina had a different view that sometimes was very different from mine. It was fascinating when each recommendation was supported by mathematical computations. I appreciated a lot that each opinion that is not easy to be accepted has been discussed and remediation was provided in case I kept to my initial configuration. My living room is actually a place where I feel comfortable and I can say the same for the kitchen. It’s not to the same feeling in the major bedroom as I chose a room more proper for a home desk according to Crina. Immediately after the consultation and closing with my new house project, I was interested also in my results in case important decisions to make. Of course, Crina was always on my list of people to ask for advice. And we didn’t fail. Also, last by not least her availability and willingness to help is unbillable. Thank you Crina!


2024 calendar de birou
Magazin Cub

The QiMen techniques used in China since antiquity, mainly for military strategies come today to help us to understand better what the future holds for us. Will offer us a wide array of possible applications when used for business planning, negotiating, choosing a career, taking exams, improving health and relationships, and many other areas, so that your decision comes from certainty rather than from wishful thinking.

About Crina

I’m your very own co-pilot in your quest for the best personal or professional version of yourself.

I started my journey 17 years ago as an economist and team member of several multinational companies over a span of 3 continents. Life’s journey is always more pleasant if you know which path to choose especially when being at a crossroads.

Despre Crina