Be the change you whish to see in the world
“Be the change you wish to see in the world” it says in a picture received from someone I care about dearly. But what is the meaning of this “change”? What does it mean to me? What does it mean to you?
In time, I would like to think that these noble people became my friends and even if life took a different path for each of us, they were the ones who guided my very first steps into the journey that today is called Crina (Lilly), your Chinese metaphysics consultant.
Words fail me when I try to describe the awe, the wonder, even the laugh I was trying to conceal when these people spoke of the school of the five elements, of the life palace, of the Day Master, the useful gods, favorable direction, favorable days and what to do during those days.
Some time would have to pass, and I would return to Romania, where I attended the courses of Risvan Rusu, representative and Chinese Metaphysics ConsultanI had to go back to Romania where I attended the classes of Risvan Rusu, representative and Chinese Metaphysics consultant of Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He did what he does best and after I spent so much time struggling with all that information, I started to find the logic behind everything and I had my “aha” moment.t of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who somehow did as he knows best, but everything I had heard for so long, started to make sense and I had an "aha" moment.
Now that I had the knowledge, I had to put it into practice.
Chinese metaphysics is a very complex area that covers many aspects of our lives on this planet. My training has made me an analyst, strategist, or interior designer when I do Feng Shui; a field inspector, a psychologist, or a natal chart analyst when I do BaZi; or a professor when I teach my favorite subject of them all – QiMen. consultant de Feng Shui, un inspector de teren a doua zi, un psiholog sau un analist al hartilor natale – BaZi, sau un professor atunci cad predau materia care mie imi place tare mult – QiMen.
I think everyone has a purpose in life.
After dozens of trips from Cluj to Bucharest attending Risvan’s classes, after reading thousands of pages of Joey Yap’s books, after lots of hours spent at Risvan’s and Joey’s courses, I know that a good consultant is the one who participates and assists the lives of others so that they can be the best versions of themselves every day of their lives.